3 Ways To Save Some Cash On The Cost Of Auto Collision Repairs

If you have found yourself responsible for paying for the repairs to your automobile after a collision, you might be concerned about the cost and rightfully so. However, there are a few things that you might be able to do in order to help cut the costs. Check out the following suggestions so that you can have your vehicle repaired without going broke in the process. Buy Your Own Parts Read More 

Exposing Auto Body Repair Misconceptions That You May Think Are True

When your car suffers damage to its exterior, it can create a host of problems for you. As a result, repairing body damage to your car is an important task, but it is also a task that many people have a limited understanding about. Being misinformed about this type of repair work can make the process of having your car restored more complicated and stressful than necessary. Once you have learned the truth about the following common myths, you should find that you are much better informed about this process. Read More 

Four Tips For Preventing And Managing Sun Damage To Your Car’s Interior

Sun can wreak havoc on your car's interior, as can constant exposure to hot temperatures. The following tips can help you protect your car so you can avoid most major interior problems. Tip #1: Block the Sun Tinted windows can go a long way towards minimizing UV damage to upholstery and plastic in your car's interior. Tint can also prevent the interior from heating up as quickly. Hot interiors cause adhesives to loosen, such as those that hold the headliner in place. Read More 

Full Service Collision Repair

Today's world is fast. Your car is wrecked and there are seemingly endless things to do. Make sure you're all right, assess damage to your car, contact your insurance company, get any other involved parties information, and find a shop to fix your car. Wouldn't it be easiest to use an automotive collision repair center that's not only quick, but brings down the number of things you have to do? Corporate run shops that partner with insurance companies and rental car companies are more and more common. Read More 

Learn How A Mechanic Can Handle A Damaged Bumper

When you are involved in an accident, damage is often caused to the bumper of your car. There are some people who assume that just because they were involved in an accident, they need to have their bumper replaced. This is not always the case, though. The following guide will walk you through determining if your bumper can be repaired or needs to actually be replaced. Consider the Material Used Read More